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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thinking Different – methods of attracting graduates

Millions of entry level flash developer graduates use the Internet on a daily basis and are the most receptive to different media and methods of advertising. You can reach a wider audience via Internet advertising than with any other medium making it the most popular medium to advertise on.

Choosing the right methods of online recruitment advertising to attract entry level grads is something that will separate you from your competition and with predictions emerging that the UK will be the first economy to spend more money on the Internet than on TV advertising, now is the time to get it right.

With over 77 job boards advertising IT roles and over 30 graduate sites advertising for professionals like an entry level flash developer in the UK, it is so important to 1. Get your advert right but 2. Take advantage of other ways to attract graduates to your company.

So what methods are out there for you and your company to attract candidates like an entry level developer? With graduates being young and open to new and exciting methods of advertising, it is important to bare in mind the different methods available to you:


Blogs are becoming increasingly popular with websites year on year. A blog is a good place for commentary or news on a particular subject. Blogs encourage a sense of community and is often used by graduates including IT entry level developers. The only potential danger is they are much harder to control than other methods of advertising.

Email advertising

Many job boards offer their clients the opportunity to send an email to a targeted group of candidates such as the entry level developer group from their database. The advantage of a mailing list is:  The ability to distribute information to a wide range of specific, potential customers at a relatively low cost.  It is instant, as opposed to a mailed advertisement, an e-mail arrives in a few seconds or minutes. It lets the advertiser "push" the message to its audience, as opposed to a website that waits for customers to come in.  It is easy to track and monitor throughout the entire campaign with tangible results, which enables you to learn and develop your next campaigns.

Banner/Button advertising

Most job boards offer the client the opportunity to buy space on their website where they can host the companies banner or button which normally links to their corporate website or jobs live on site. They are usually placed in the premium position on the homepage, which will significantly raise the profile of your organisation.


Several organisations have been involved with graduate webcasts on behalf of job boards. IT Jobs For Graduates specialists in IT recruitment have recently filmed and published a webcast with HR directors from companies such as UBS, KPMG and Barclays Capital. Webcasts are a great project to be involved in as it enables you to get your messages across in an interactive way.

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