Custom Search

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Affiliate Program:

I found a brand new affiliate program that I wanted to share with you. A lot of bloggers promote hosting companies and never get a sale. However promoting definitely increases those chances. is a domain registrar and web hosting site. You can get hosting for only $3.99 per month (wow) as well as register domains for only $9.99.

Affiliate Program has launched their brand new affiliate program. You can earn up to 30% of all payments made by the customers you refer. So even if you refer them and they register a domain name, you still get commission. Other domain registrars don't give any commission for domains.

The minimum payout for each affiliate is only $20, so even if you manage to get only a few domain sales, you still can make some cash.

Webmaster Referrals

Not only can you earn money promoting, you can also earn money by referring other webmasters to the program. Join now and start referring your people to the program. You can earn up to 15% of whatever they earn.

Since the affiliate program is so new, I'm sure there won't be too much of a difficulty referring anyone.

The Benefits of Blogging for Scrapbookers

Blogging has become a very popular way of communication within the past few years. While it used to be something that techy geeks would do, it's become a way of life in the meantime. People blog for various reasons, being that they have a particular topic they would like to discuss, such as politics, sports, music, hobbies or themselves and tell out heart inside. There seems to be a blog for just about any subject.

Even scrappers have started to blog and the number of blogging scrappers is climbing at an unbelievable rate. Scrappers have come to realize what the benefits of blogging are and how to integrate these benefits into their scrapbooking world.

One of these benefits is having a daily "log" of their lives documented online. They can use the information they post as a reference for future journaling on their scrapbooking pages.

Another benefit is communication with other family members or friends that live far away. Let's face it, this is a fast-paced world we are living in, where time is of the essence. Instead of writing to each and every family member or several friends about what is happening in your life, you can simply suggest that they read your blog. It saves time and they can look at it whenever they want. There are blogs that have a password option, so not to worry. If you would like your blog read only by certain people, that is a possibility.

Some scrappers enjoy sharing their layouts and projects with other scrappers where a blog can really come in handy. Many blogs offer photo galleries, making it easy for scrapbloggers to get inspiration from other scrappers. To make it look like an actual blog for scrappers, some scrappers have a nice matching theme. Many blogs offer various themes for a variety of subjects. For scrappers, although, the selection is very slim. The good thing about themes is that you don't have to be a programmer to have your blog looking fabulous! You just select it and viola, there it is! Why pay someone to make something that you can already get for free!?

Since there is a need for themes out there, some designers have begun to realize this and are developing cool scrapbooking themes for blogs. Most recently a special free scrapbooking theme was created for WordPress by SimplyWP. The theme contains scrapbooking elements in the header image and the background theme. There are also two sidebars and a second sidebar can be used to list all your friends or to add buttons or blinkies. This theme was created in subtle, soft colors to allow your layouts to be the main attraction of your blog.

The above mentioned scrapbooking theme can be previewed at and downloaded at absolutely free. It's unbelievably easy to implement, so you'll have no fuss with it at all. You can show all of your friends what a cool scrapbooking blog you have almost instantly.

cigarette 0% nicotine

Ever thought how good would it be if there was a way to reduce the harm of cigarettes without giving up the habit of smoking? Here is the answer, Myvic Electronic Cigarette is a revolutionary new product which is drastically healthier than traditional smoking. It will improve your health while giving the same sensations as ordinary cigarettes.

There are more than 4000 chemicals found in the ordinary cigarettes, of which at least 400 are harmful for the human body. They contain, tar, carbon monoxide, benzene, acetone, formaldehyde, arsenic and many others including nicotine. This chemicals contribute to lung cancer and many other diseases associated with cigarette smoking.

While using Myvic Electronic Cigarette you have to change nicotine refills, which range from high concentrate nicotine to zero nicotine content. The refill contains nicotine and propylene glycol (harmless to human body). Nicotine is not believed to cause cancer, and compared to all the chemicals inhaled while smoking ordinary cigarettes it is relatively harmless.

This revolutionary device can be used anywhere where traditional smoking is forbidden: restaurants, clubs, pubs and even on the planes. It completely simulates the sensation of smoking ordinary cigarettes, it even produces 'smoke' which is actually water vapours. 98% of the nicotine contained in the inhaled mist is absorbed by the organism, leaving only propylene glycol which is exhaled and is absolutely harmless to people around you, therefore there is no passive smoking. The 'smoke' disappears within seconds after being exhaled, leaving no smoke what so ever inside the building.

Myvic Electronic Cigarette is also cheaper than ordinary cigarettes. It could save you £528 a year, or even more depending on individual smoking habits. The cigarette can be purchased at the price of £39, and a 5 pack of Myvic Refills is priced at £5. One Myvic Refill is equal to approx. 10-20 ordinary cigarettes, which means you pay £s;5 for the equivalent of approx. 50-100 ordinary cigarettes.

More information on the benefits of the Myvic Electronic Cigarette can be found on the official website at

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SEO Test

Busby SEO Test, these day is nothing more then testing your effort on Busby SEO. Test skill, testing new algorithm and do all the good things to win the contest.

[ Fast Fact : Prize || Positions || SEO Contest Strategy ]

The good news in this New SEO Testing is; we still can use our old domain to participate, more about the contest rules, please read it in my sidebar. And, to win this SEO Challenge I think I’ll need Jasa Konsultan SEO. Would you mind to share your knowledge, technique and all your seo magic and do some testing in Busby SEO World Cup.

Winner will be decide by : USA Google Data Center - for the key phrase : in this link.

My Busby SEO Testing Check List
  1. Keyword Factor
    • Use Keyword in Title Tag
    • Maximizing keyword in Body Text
    • Using keyword in H1 Tag in my header, also try to use other H Tags
    • Since using keyword in domain are not allowed then I used it in Page URL
    • Start to ptimizing alt tags and image titles
    • Using bold and emphasis on keyword
    • Some say meta keyword and meta description are no longer important, since this contest are based on specific keyword, then I try to use it now (using meta tag are not my style, but I will try it)
  2. Link Factor
    • Make this page popularity more than other page in this domain by optimizing internal linking
    • Build topical relevance of Inbound Links to this page from site that has good link popularity
    • Fresh link everyday
    • Variate anchor inbound link to void google bomb indicator
    • Only make a external link to authority site
    • Don’t care to much about domain extension of linking site, for an example .edu, .gov, .com, etc
  3. Luck Factor

Simple isn’t it ? yeah, that is simple just like that, nothing more. I’m just noobie so please forgive me if I could not give you a good content in this page.

Update :
For you to know, I’m participating in this challenge is not only for the prize money, but to exhibit my Noobs skills and try to discover and share new techniques for optimizing a single page. I consider by competing in competition like this, will give me the opportunity to show how much I mastering the search engine techniques.

But knowing a little about search engine techniques without friend help (backlinks), it almost nothing. So, if you want to see Dewaji wins this SEO Contest, please link to this single post with the anchor text “Busby SEO Test“.


First Prize : $5000
Second Prize : $2000
Third Prize : $500
Fourth Prize : $250
Fifth Prize : $100
Midway prize - $1000 to the entrant who has the highest Average ranking on Google this can be measured on Monday 5th January 2009 (12:00 midday), Perth, Western Australia.

Oct 3 = #10 position
Oct 4 = #1 position and 2nd (my blog)
Oct 5 = #2 position and 3rd (my blog)
Oct 6 = #1 position and 2nd (my blog)
Oct 7-14 = same result
15-24 (morning)= same result
24 (night) = drop to 2 + 3
25 = Back to the top
31 = My friends told me to move my ass and I’m drop to #5 + #6
1 Nov = Back to top
2 Nov = Drop to #3 + #4
4 Nov = Back on top
9 Nov = Drop again : #3+ #4. Now it’s Getting hard to compete in this challenge, all competitor are trying hard to get the best place and try to outrank others competitor. Then it’s time to play and do some exercise.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Modus Penipuan kartu kredit berkedok bantuan

Semenjak getol dengan yang namanya internet entah mengapa saya jadi malas untuk baca koran atau menonton tv, tapi hari ini ngga tau untuk alasan apa tiba-tiba niat beli koran muncul ketika habis sarapan lewat lapak koran. balik sana-balik sini lembaran korannya seperti kurang menarik, disamping itu memang kebanyakan infonya udah saya baca lewat internet. Buntut-buntutnya cuma liat-liat iklan deh. Dari lembaran iklan tersebut ada satu yang menarik perhatian saya, kira-kira isi iklannya seperti ini:

Anda pusing dengan tagihan kartu kredit?
kami solusi terbaiknya, disc 50-90% hub:081......jl........

Kalau lihat iklan ini jadi ingat ketika dulu menemukan kasus,yaitu account kartu kredit dari seorang pak satpam dengan limit 40jt.masa sih??.. benar lho satpam limit kartu kreditnya 40jt.

nih saya kasih jalan ceritanya dengan cara yang singkat(sebisa mungkin) :
1.seseorang yang berprofesi sebagai satpam mengajukan aplikasi kartu kredit, dengan mengaku sebagai resepsionis,dan aplikasinya di terima oleh bank.
2.sang "resepsionis"dapat kartu dengan limit yang wajar yaitu 4jt,===>liat-liat sih, itu aplikasi di terima karena memang yang mengangkat telepon masuk dikantor tersebut adalah satpam, jadi dia bisa mengelabui analis bank
3.akhirnya untuk jangka waktu tertentu pak satpam pakai kartu kredit sampai suatu hari tidak sanggup bayar.
4.karena tidak sanggup bayar Pak satpam datang ke "dewa penolong" dengan di iming-imingi (mungkin) seperti iklan diatas. kemudian ia memberikan kartu kredit,seluruh data pribadi dan fee atas jasa "pertolongan"tersebut
5.pak satpam aman untuk beberapa bulan karena memang pembayaran selalu masuk walau pun sedikit diatas minimum payment (dibayar oleh "dewa penolong").
6.entah bagaimana ceritanya limit kartu kredit pak satpam naik terus, mungkin selain automatic increasing limit(akibat tagihan selalu dibayar diatas minimum), "sang dewa penolong"juga ,meminta kenaikan limit dengan ancaman nanti kalo tidak dikasi kartu kredit bakalan di tutup accountnya.
7.akhirnya limit pak satpam mencapai 40 jt dan brusss....semua limit tersebut dipakai habis dalam satu hari.
8.ketika jatuh tempo pak satpam di telepon pihak bank agar melakukan pembayaran. Tapi yang aneh nya adalah, di nomor yang dihubungi tersebut tidak ada yg namanya sama dengan pak satpam/resepsionis tersebut.
9.selidik punya selidik ternyata beberapa bulan sebelumnya si "dewa penolong"menelepon ke bank berpura-pura sebagai pak satpam meminta pemindahan alamat ke kantornya si "dewa penolong" tersebut.
8.jadi deh masalah, tagihan 40 jt, alamat ganti ke alamat dewa penolong, kartu kredit ada ditangan orang lain====>percayalah yang dicari/dikecar/dituntut oleh bank untuk menyelesaikan utang 40 jt tersebut adalah pak satpam.
9.lagian biarpun alamat dipindahkan kemana, bank kan punya data base, jadi bank tidak mungkin lupa terhadap alamat lama(asli) anda.
10.awalnya pak satpam punya hutang kartu kredit kurang dari 4 jt, setelah ditolong kini hutang nya 40 jt, benar-benar mak nyusss...
11.setelah di cek2 lagi ternyata ada account kartu kredit lain yang alamat nya di pindahkah ke kantor si "dewa penolong"ini dan history pemakaian identik dengan kartu kreditnya si pak satpam tadi===>jadi tinggal tunggu waktu nya untuk hutang yang lebih besar

Dari cerita diatas sih saya cuma saranin agar jangan pernah memberikan kartu kredit anda kepada orang lain dengan alasan apapun (kecuali kalo lagi transaksi), termasuk pihak/orang yang mengaku dari bank tapi belum verified apalagi disertai dengan pemberian data pribadi anda. ingat resiko atas kelalaian menjaga fisik kartu kredit sepenunya merupakan tanggung anda.